Q: Does everyone get a prize at the Regional Round?
A: No, prizes at regional level are awarded based on a point system. Gold – 80 points and above; Silver – 70 points and above; Bronze – 60 points and above. This applies for all categories and entry groups.
Q: If I win two Gold Prizes at the regional, does that mean I get two performances at the Finals?
A: No, In the event that a participant was awarded with more than one Gold Prize in their respective age groups at any one region, only ONE performance will be granted for the Final Round. Gold Prize awarded for performances on different instruments are excluded from this rule.
Q: Can I request for a Winner’s Certificate for the prize (i.e. Gold, Silver, Bronze) I have won at the Regional Round?
A: We do not issue additional prize Certificates, but can provide you with a Prize Confirmation Letter upon request.
Q: I need to leave early and cannot wait until the announcement of winners, can I ask for my result in advance?
A: No. All results will only be announced at the Prize Giving, and will be published to our FaceBook page within 48 hours.
Q: I am unable to stay for the Prize Giving, if I were to receive a prize, will the prize be forfeited? Will I be informed of my achievement?
A: We will not be informing each winner individually. If you have won a prize but you did not attend the Prize Giving, it is your responsibility to check our Facebook page and to be in contact with us via email ([email protected]), upon which we will put you in contact with our local representative to arrange for Medal (and certificate, if any) collection/delivery.
Q: If my student win the prize, will I be given a teacher’s certificate?
A: No.
Q: Can parents or any representative collect prizes on behalf of the winner?
A:Yes, but the Registration Slip must be handed to the person who is collecting on behalf in order to receive the prize.
Q:I cannot stay until the prize giving ceremony, and there is no one to collect my prize for me – how can I get my prize?
A: We will post the prize to you, but you are required to fill up a postal form, staple it together with your Registration Slip and the postage fee of RM10 and submit it to the registration counter.
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